Roberto Mário Santini Municipal Park
Top photo: Tadeu Nascimento
The 42,766m² park occupies a platform on the submarine emissary and advances 400m out to sea. It is the perfect spot to observe the sea and shoreline.
Installations include the Espaço Criança (Children’s Space), a 1100 m² professional skateboard area, cycle lane, outdoor tables for games, comic library, stands for 600 people right where the waves break, observation tower for surf competition judges, areas for socialization and contemplation.
There are also jogging and walking lanes. The project by architect Ruy Ohtake, inaugurated in 2009 meets the norms of accessibility for disabled people.
Photo: Tadeu Nascimento

Tomie Ohtake Sculpture
A true picture-postcard site, the sculpture by artist Tomie Ohtake can be seen from all points of the shoreline. It marks the commemorations for the 100-year anniversary of Japanese immigration to Brazil and was inaugurated in 2008 by the Japanese Emperor Naruhito. The steel piece weighs 80 tons, is 20 meters long and 2 meters wide. It is well worth going close to feel how the noise of the sea is amplified near it.
Photo: Isabela Carrari