
18/ 07/ 2022

Expo cidades criativas terá pratos de grandes chefs para público experimentar o melhor da gastronomia paulista

Expo cidades criativas terá pratos de grandes chefs para público experimentar o melhor da gastronomia paulista


A Expo Brazilian Creative Cities (Expo Cidades Criativas Brasileiras), evento aberto ao público de segunda (18) a sexta (22), no Centro de Convenções Blue Med, na Ponta da Praia, terá, entre suas diversas atrações, a Rota Gastronômica com pratos e iguarias de alguns dos principais chefs de cozinha do Estado de São Paulo, com preços entre R$ 15 e R$ 45.



18/ 07/ 2022

Santos Jazz Festival comemora 10ª edição com volta ao formato presencial

Santos Jazz Festival comemora 10ª edição com volta ao formato presencial

Que tal encerrar as férias de julho com ritmos e melodias que contagiam aos primeiros acordes? Prepare-se, porque vem aí o Santos Jazz Festival (SJT). Depois de dois anos com programação on-line, agora o evento retorna entre os dias 28 e 31 deste mês na versão totalmente presencial.


Guided visit to the José Bonifácio Palace

Guided visit to the José Bonifácio Palace

Headquarters of the City Hall of Santos, the José Bonifácio Palace honors one of the most illustrious Santos citizens, the Patriarch of Independence of Brazil. The building, built in the golden period of coffee, is one of the few public buildings in the State of São Paulo that maintains the original structure and most of the decoration preserved. During the visit, participants will get to know the main lobby, the Noble Hall Esmeraldo Tarquínio, the Princess Isabel Room and the Operational Control Center (OCC).

Limit: 15 people per group



15/ 07/ 2022

Santos creates a special itinerary for visiting the Historic City Center on Saturdays

Santos creates a special itinerary for visiting the Historic City Center on Saturdays

Home to an incalculable wealth of architectural, cultural and religious details that date back to the history of Brazil and has connections with different parts of the world, the Historic City Center of Santos is home to several attractions for tourists and Santos residents of all ages. To attract more and more people to experience these experiences, the City of Santos has just created the #SábadoNoCentro script.




15/ 07/ 2022

Have you already got your Santista Passport?

Have you already got your Santista Passport?


Now you have one more reason to show that you are #OBomdeSantos. The Santista Passport, launched by the Secretariat of Entrepreneurship, Creative Economy and Tourism (Seectur) takes you to 12 places that represent a little bit of everything the city has to offer: history, gastronomy, religion, sport, art, style, nature, architecture and much more.

